We have ahad a few queries recently where the height of thier printer is restriced to 200mm. The Lower body of the RMU is 202mm high so this can be a problem.

There is a simple work around.

Drop the lower body 3mf file into your slicer. In this example I am using Prusa Slicer but the same will apply for whichever one you use.

Drop the lower body 3mf file into your slicer. In this example I am using Prusa Slicer but the same will apply for whichever one you use.

In the lower right corner of your slicer, you will see the Obect Manipulation Window. If you cannot see it, make sure you rmu is selected and is showing green like in the picture.

Reduce the Z scale by 1.5% and teh RMU will be able to print. The change in height is small enough that you will not need to worry about the fit of the brackets.